
Exploring The Australia Institute Of Commerce And Technology Virutal Campus

By Enid Hinton

Whether just staring a college career, or a lifetime student, there are now a number of colleges and universities offering online classes. Often known as distance learning, or extended education, there are generally no certificate or degrees, unless one is also enrolled as a full or part-time college student. A good example of this type program are distance learning classes offered through the Australian Institute of Commerce and Technology virtual campus.

Most often any college or university which offers the opportunity for virtual work, is going to offer a number of options when it comes to completing this type course. For example, students often have the opportunity to take a class for credit-non-credit, pass or fail. There are also programs in which students can take virtual classes to obtain an honor code, or verified certificate.

There are also religious institutions which offer a number of online classes for free. One being the Universal Life Church, in which for a fee one can obtain study materials and obtain a Masters, or Doctorate of Divinity degree. The Kaballah Center also offers an online course in mystic ideology. Both of which also offer a number of certificates and degrees.

For most edX courses, a student must successfully complete 75% of the courseware to receive a honor code certificate. Students can also simply audit the class and view video lectures. As with traditional schooling, there are often tests which work toward a percentage of the overall grade.

While individuals can obtain certificates through these alternative forms of education, it should be noted that most are on a non-credit, pass fail basis. Classes offered through edX and other similar sites often do not. An individual may find an institution which offers online classes for both credit and noncredit though whether or not classes will transfer often depend on a number of factors. As such, before taking any long distance learning class towards a degree, it is important to discuss doing so with a counselor.

Auditing classes for fun or education can often be quite entertaining. In many online classes, there are a number of lecture and other videos related to the course. As such, a number of individuals find it fun simply to audit a class and watch the videos pertaining to the subject matter.

Other ways to take classes over the internet, the new and popular free classes through edx dot org. The organization is now offering free classes and certificates from a number of colleges, technical schools and universities around the world. To register, simply visit the edX website and click on courses at the top of the page to peruse the offerings from each school.

While traditional degrees and diplomas are often offered through universities, the edX program offers students the ability to receive these different certificates as proof of successfully completing a course. Obtaining a certificate is easy, as long as one can participate in online discussions, complete the assignments, videos and pass the tests for each section of a class.

Whether attending classes at a local university, or completing work through an online program, it is important to understand which classes provide transferable credit. For students working towards a degree, this is not only necessary but essential. As such, meeting with a counselor at the beginning of any educational pathway is often a good idea.

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