
Discovering Certified Nurse Anesthetist Schools

By Ines Flores

If you are an RN you know the different opportunities for advancement available to you. You probably have a good idea what the benefits are if you attend the programs at Certified Nurse Anesthetist schools. These are professionals who have play an important part during surgery and are well paid for their services. If you are interested in entering this exciting career you will first have to get a degree in nursing.

The CRNA will be responsible for dispensing anesthesia in the course of surgeries and various other procedures. This is a highly skilled position that requires extensive instruction. Folks who currently work as RNs are able to complete the education needed to become a CRNA and continue to work. A Bachelor degree and one year RN experience is a requirement for the CRNA programs.

If you are not already in the nursing field you have a couple of options for reaching this goal. You can choose to get your license in practical nursing, or LPN, first. While working to assist RNs and doctors you can begin earning your Bachelor degree in nursing. If you prefer, you can get right to working on your BSN. It is important to know that the RN makes more than the LPN and the increased pay can help to fund your education.

After you have earned your BSN and have at least worked for one year as an RN, you are ready to start working on your Master degree in nursing, or MSN. At the Master level you are able to become an APN, advance practice nursing. This field not only includes certified anesthetists but clinical nursing specialists, certified midwives, and nurse practitioners. These are highly skilled positions that require serious consideration.

Anesthesia programs offer extensive education in a number of areas that include the pharmacology that is related to anesthesia. Included in the studies are pathophysiology, chemistry, physics, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology. Throughout clinical training the student learns procedures and techniques of anesthesia that are needed during surgeries.

Typically, the program is completed in two to two and one half years. Once the program is completed the student is able to take the national exam for certification. A passing score rewards the student with certification that they are qualified to perform he job as CRNA. Make sure to find a program that is favorably recommended and accredited.

Folks who are interested in becoming a CRNA will to be highly motivated and dedicated. Working toward any advanced degree is demanding. Continuing to work may be beneficial while you get your education but can be hard when it comes to balancing your time. You must make sure to thoroughly evaluate all options that are available that will assist you in reaching your goals.

These highly skilled professionals often makes as much, if not more, than medical doctors. The reason for the significant income is the sensitivity of the job they are performing. This professional is responsible for making certain that the patient receives the correct medications and is not harmed from their administration. Their care for the individual begins before the surgery and ends with recovery room follow up.

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